Working papers (unpublished)
Bazot Guillaume, Morys Matthias and Eric Monnet (2024), Central banks and the absorption of international shocks (1890-2020) [supersedes previous 2022 version]
Astore, Marianna and Eric Monnet (2024), The Long Way to a National Credit Market. Banks and Commercial Bills in France, 1851-1936.
Mitchener, Kris and Eric Monnet (2023), “Connected Lending of Last Resort”, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 17831. VoxEU column
Monnet Eric, Angelo Riva, Stefano Ungaro, (2021), The Real Effects of Bank Runs. Evidence from the French Great Depression (1930-1931), CEPR Discussion Papers n°16054 VoxEU column
Monnet, Eric, and Damien Puy. (2021) One Ring to Rule Them All? New Evidence on World Cycles. CEPR Discussion paper DP15958 .[supersedes Has Globalization Really Increased Business Cycle Synchronization?, IMF working paper, 1654, 2016 VoxEu column ] ONLINE DATABASE; revise & resubmit at American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics.
Europe between financial repression and regulatory capture, with Pagliari, S., & Vallée, S. (2014). (No. 2014/08). Bruegel Working Paper.